British designer Abigail Ahern recently posted on her blog eight ways to create an imperfect room. It made me smile, because it's almost identical in a way I TRY to create a painting. Check it:
1. Add texture (texture is like a herb it lifts an interior out of the mundane and elevates it to a whole other level, the trick is to create as much friction between surfaces as you can. Friction by the way in interiors is a GOOD THING!
2. Move furniture away from the walls, even by angling a chair or table slightly it will break up the linear aspects of your room
3. Layer, layer, layer the more layers you add to the space the more interesting it becomes. The reason being we want to confuse the eye, we want to tantalise the eye so when you walk into a room you don’t quite know where to look and if you don’t have stuff you just can’t pull that off. Oh and don’t worry about the dusting aspect, a bit of dusting on a Saturday morn with some jazz on its pretty dam cool if you ask me!
4 Lighting the more lighting you add the more interesting your space becomes, in my new studio 9 lights are on softly glowing casting a beautiful light.
5 Add something oddball, an unexpected piece of art, a sculpture, a spare chair in a odd colour anything that doesn’t quite fit with the general scheme
6 Add something funny, easiest decorating trick in the book since it requires no skill but it immediately lightens the mood, animals are great for this, ceramic, papier mache or otherwise
7 Add something imperfect as mentioned above, it you go down the vintage route its easy peasy since vintage pieces have a narrative, tell a story that again elevates your interior to a whole other level
8 Lastly but most importantly add colour, the single most important thing you can do (if you reign in your palette you can mix and match far easier)
Great advice, huh? It applies to lots of things I think. ( My paintings below...)
interesting. I'll have to read this one several times.